is the professional body representing
Speech Language Pathologists and
Audiologists in Malaysia. |
SHAS is the professional
body representing Speech Language
Pathologists and Audiologists in Singapore.
slpsite |
This web site is owned
by Dr. Caroline Bowen, an experienced Speech
Language Pathologist in Australia. It is an
excellent site of resource for the
practising Speech Language Pathologist. |
VoiceCraft |
This web site belongs to
Alison Bagnall, a dynamic and gifted Speech
Therapist, Voice Craft and Feldenkrais
practitioner. She resides in Australia and
travels and teaches internationally. |
JensenHearing |
This is the website of
JenSen Hearing Centre in Melaka that
provides audiology services |
 | |
Have you or your child
been diagnosed with having an auditory
processing disorder ? Feeling lost and
overwhelmed ? Look up this site to help you
gain a better understanding of what this
means and obtain helpful information. |
Reader |
The Acrobat Reader, a
free programme for viewing files that are in
the pdf format. |