
This article library contains articles that we have sent out in our free E-newsletters. Some of these articles have been posted here for your viewing. These articles are in pdf format. To view these articles on-line, or if you wish to download or save these articles, you are required to have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. Please click here to get the Reader. This reader is FREE to download.

Disclaimer: The articles posted here are meant as a source of information only. They are not meant to replace a speech and language assessment by a registered Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) or a hearing assessment by a registered Audiologist. For more information on contacting a registered SLP or Audiologist, please click on MASH in our links page.

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Article Description
 Speech & Language Delay In Children  Is your child speech and language delayed and requires attention? Read further to find out.
 Otitis Media  This article discusses middle ear infections and how it affects speech and language development.
 Cleft Lip and Palate  This article discusses various speech difficulties related with cleft lip and palate.
 Dysfluent Speech  Are you stammering or is this just a passing stage?
 Stroke - It's Effects On Speech  What can go wrong with my speech after a stroke?
 Voice disorders  Understanding voice disorders - an introduction.